2nd The Rooky International Open 2024 ♖♖♖♜♜♖♖♖♜♜♖♖♖ Rapid U16

Last update 12.08.2024 18:31:59, Creator/Last Upload:

TournamentselectionStandard: Open, Challenger
Rapid: Open, U18, U16, U14, U12, U10, U08, U06
LinksOfficial Homepage of the Organizer, FaceBook, GoogleMaps, Registration, Regulations, Link tournament to the tournament calendar
Parameterselection show tournament-details, show flags
Overview for teamCHN, FID, IND, MYA, THA
ListsStarting rank list, Alphabetical list of players, Federation-, Game- and Title-statistics, Alphabetical list all groups, Time-table
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1Vorhees, Mandalay6222870THA0